
Enhance Your Lashes, Enhance Your Beauty

Unlock the Potential of Latisse

Latisse is a revolutionary treatment that stimulates the growth of eyelashes, making them longer, fuller, and darker. It is the first and only FDA-approved prescription treatment for inadequate or not enough lashes. The active ingredient, bimatoprost, enhances the growth phase of the eyelash hair cycle, resulting in more visible lashes. At Advanced Facial and Nasal Surgical Centre, we provide professional guidance and support throughout your Latisse journey, ensuring safe and effective application for the best possible results.

Experience the Transformation with Latisse

Begin with a consultation to assess your suitability for Latisse and discuss your expectations. We ensure that Latisse is the right choice for you, considering your overall eye health and medical history.

We provide detailed instructions on how to apply Latisse safely and effectively at home. The treatment involves applying the solution nightly to the base of the upper eyelashes.

As you use Latisse, we recommend regular check-ins to monitor your progress and address any questions or concerns. Consistent use is key to achieving optimal results.

Results typically become noticeable after about four weeks, with full effects seen in 16 weeks. To maintain your new lash growth, continued use of Latisse is recommended. We guide you on how to manage and sustain your enhanced lashes.

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Why Advanced Facial and Nasal Surgical Centre for Latisse Treatments

Choosing Latisse treatments at Advanced Facial and Nasal Surgical Centre means receiving expert care in a supportive environment. Our dedicated team ensures you understand the process and potential results, providing personalized care to achieve the beautiful, natural-looking lashes you desire.

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We are accredited by The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta to provide outstanding patient care. Read their journeys and see why our patients trust us with their care. 

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Frequently asked

The enhancements achieved with Latisse are not permanent. Continuous use of the product is necessary to maintain the improved length, thickness, and darkness of the eyelashes. If Latisse use is discontinued, eyelashes will gradually return to their original appearance over several weeks to months. For sustained results, it is recommended to integrate Latisse into your nightly routine, applying it carefully as directed. Regular follow-ups with your healthcare provider can ensure the treatment’s effectiveness and address any concerns regarding its use.

Latisse is an FDA-approved treatment that enhances eyelash growth by extending the growth phase of the hair cycle and increasing the number of hairs that grow. Its active ingredient, bimatoprost, originally used to treat glaucoma, was discovered to also stimulate eyelash growth. When applied regularly to the upper eyelid lash line, Latisse gradually encourages the growth of longer, thicker, and darker eyelashes. The process for visible improvement takes about 4 weeks, with full results typically seen in 16 weeks. Consistent application is key to achieving and maintaining the benefits of Latisse.